Merdury Biopharmaceutical takes the drug intelligence adjustable dose development platform as the research direction



Become a leader in rapid-acting and specialty drug development
Develop faster, lower side effects, and more in line with human needs for drugs
Company Profile
Founded in July 2019, Merdury Pharmaceutical focuses on the development of drugs for unmet medical needs. StackDose™, a new drug development platform, based on a 3D powder printing technology and process, and a unique drug binding formula, Merdury develops new tablet dosage forms with controlled time dissolution and precise site absorption, and improves the bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) to optimize their effects, thereby reducing the dosage of drugs used and thereby reducing side effects.

"StackDose™ platform" is divided into two parts:
1. The original dosage form of the main ingredient is changed into a special dosage form by Merdury powder formulation technology. Through the exclusive patented binder and the 3D powder forming technology, various kinds of tablets with special pore sizes are made, which can control the dissolution time of the drug and also achieve better palatability through the flavor modification formulation technology.
2. Merdury main compound medicine forming technology makes new compound medicines for new indications, reduce the number of medicines swallowed by patients, and increase the compliance of patients with medicines.


Business Philosophy
In order to provide the unmet medical needs in the market and improve public health, we uphold the core business philosophy of "professionalism, efficiency, and internationalization" and commercialize our self-developed drugs and services through professional partnerships in order to provide patients with a more effective drug treatment experience.
03Business Model
Business Model

Merdury has developed and commercialized its own pharmaceutical products with its proprietary StackDose™ platform, and also collaborated with global pharmaceutical partners to develop instant or sustained-release drugs for the market needs.

  • Authorized Sales of Drugs

    .Self-developed drugs
    .Authorized Sales
  • Technology Platform Licensing

    .Global Pharmaceutical Partner Development
    .Special dosage form drug and process development(Pre-licensing fee)
    .Technology Platform License (Royalty)
  • Complete production machines export and licensing

    .Technology Platform Export and Licensing
    .Software & hardware update, maintenance and warranty